MAMAC Systems成立于1981年,是传感器,控制外设和网络浏览器基于IP设备的全球领先制造商。MAMAC产品可用于HVAC和环境控制,远程监控报警,电能计量和工业自动化。MAMAC Systems率先推出了HVAC环境控制、能源管理和轻型工业自动化市场。其率先推出低成本,温度,湿度,压力,流量传感器和电流传感器固态精密线。
MAMAC Systems传感器的特点包括:微型化、数字化、智能化、多功能化、系统化、网络化,它不仅促进了传统产业的改造和更新换代,而且还可能建立新型工业,从而成为21世纪新的经济增长点。微型化是建立在微电子机械系统(MEMS)技术基础上的,已成功应用在硅器件上做成硅压力传感器。
mamac systems视觉传感器的低成本和易用性已吸引机器设计师和工艺工程师将其集成入各类曾经依赖人工、多个光电传感器,或根本不检验的应用。视觉传感器的工业应用包括检验、计量、测量、定向、瑕疵检测和分捡。以下只是一些应用范例:
在瓶装厂,校验瓶盖是否正确密封、装灌液位是否正确,mamac systems传感器以及在封盖之前没有异物掉入瓶中;
在金属冲压公司,以每分钟逾150片的速度检验冲压部件,mamac systems传感器比人工检验快13倍以上。
MAMAC Systems is a leading global manufacturer of sensors, transducers, control peripherals and web browser based IP Appliances. MAMAC products are used for HVAC and environmental controls, remote monitoring alarming, energy metering, and industrial automation.
MAMAC Systems was established in 1981 and pioneered the HVAC environmental controls, energy management and light industrial automation markets. The Company was the first to introduce a low cost, solid state precision line of temperature, humidity, pressure, flow and current sensors. Since its inception, MAMAC Systems has established a track record of innovations.
To serve the global market, the company has wholly-owned subsidiaries world wide and maintains a multi-million dollar inventory of finished products at multiple locations. Majority of the sales are to large commercial and industrial original equipment manufacturers. A large portion of sales are exported to Asia, Middle East, Europe & Australia.
All MAMAC Products are manufactured in the USA.
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